The Art of Sex: How To Manifest The Sex Life That You Desire
Photo from Pinterest: Thelingerieaddict
How to manifest the sex life that you desire
Sex makes the world go around, literally. It’s the life force that governs our very existence and gives us immense pleasure, but when your ‘ooo’ sounds more like ‘ughh’ you know that it’s time to give yourself a little boost between the sheets.
The discussion around improving various areas of our life is not uncommon, from money to careers and our dream partner to the epic 5-star vacations that we so long for. You’d be hard-pressed to find a woman that doesn’t want to better herself, it’s natural. So why are we less open about the topic of manifesting a better sex life? We see it on TV and in movies, the intoxicatingly erotic scenes of sweaty bodies that twirl around in the sheets while our sex life pales in comparison. We envy the women who seem to quite easily have earth-shattering, knee-knocking orgasms, and endless sexual confidence. Harnessing sexual energy for manifestation.
If you’re reading this you’ve probably tried everything to improve your sensations between the sheets, from lube to bondage and all the gadgets and gizmos in between. Despite that, to your dismay, and less than satisfactory encounters, nothing seems to get you going. Harnessing sexual energy for manifestation, to have an amazing sex life should not just be the goal of a few but the many. Boosting your sex drive and tapping into your feminine energy, using sexual energy to manifest, not only has the power to get your juices flowing but also improve the relationship that you have with yourself.
how to use sexual energy to manifest? Free Your Mind (and the rest will follow)
Sex is just as mental as it is physical. Whether it’s a casual tryst or a lovemaking session, sex is an exchange of energy that affects us right down to our core and if your levels are a little off balance then you can experience a loss of vitality and desire. Manifesting an abundance and sensational, the law of attraction sex life requires an adjustment of our thoughts and feelings towards ‘doing the deed’.
First let’s establish this: sex. is. healthy. As adults, we may be used to the topic of sex but many of us have experienced guilt and judgment that stems from what we were taught when we were younger. From the extreme deterrents such as ‘Don’t have sex, you’ll get cancer!’ (yes, this has happened) to the evasive ‘Keep your legs crossed and don’t let anyone in’, the messages that we have listened to about sex ultimately shapes the way that we experience it. Sex is a natural part of our lives, it’s fun and if you get it right, it can be a euphoric experience for both yourself and your partner.
It’s time to prepare your body for a release (pun intended), that is to remove old, restrictive thoughts about yourself and sex so you can manifest the sex life that you deserve. Don’t let your mind stand in between you and the big ‘O’, reclaim your power and tear down any derogatory or negative thoughts about your body and sex. Remove any guilt that you may feel toward your sexual past or the act of sex itself. You are a goddess and your body is a temple that deserves to be worshipped.
Start the healing process. Set some time aside when you will not be disturbed, light some candles, play some sensual music, release your manifest energy and stand in front of the mirror naked. Take a good look at yourself and study every inch of your body in all its glory. From the wispy curls that frame your vulva to the silhouette of your figure, celebrate and marvel at the glorious woman that is you. Affirm words of self-love and release any emotions that you may be harboring. Mirror work is a powerful exercise that can help you to manifest more sexual and body confidence, providing you with spiritual growth and the personal development that will bring your fantasies to life.
Svadhisthana - The Sacral Chakra
Just like the mind, we tend to hold on to old, stagnant energy within the body and this can cause blockages in our energy centers. The Sacral Chakra, also known as Svadhisthana, is the focus of our wellbeing and sexual energy, it is the epicenter of the pleasure and sensuality that we as humans enjoy. A balanced and happy Sacral Chakra results in a wholesome outlook towards our bodies, creating a fulfilling sex life and pleasure in our lives.
Disharmony in our Sacral Chakra can manifest as physical problems such as chronic menstrual cramps, fibroids, sexual dysfunction, infertility, and endometriosis. The body is the vessel for the spirit and our unconscious attitudes towards our sexuality can result in a lack of arousal in the bedroom. So if you want to add the va-va-voom to your sex life you need to tap into your energy and unite with your physical being.
Connect with your yoni and heal your Sacral Chakra using this sacred tentric sensual meditation. Be still and start by lying on your back, preferably on your bed. Take deep breaths and focus your mind on the energy pulsating two inches below the navel and two inches into the pelvis. Imagine orange light radiating and rippling throughout your sexual organs flowing deep inside of you and out, like water. Imagine that this light is cleansing and filling you with pure, abundant energy that lights your sexual flame. The healing light will penetrate your Sacral Chakra and replace negative energy. Repeat this process often to heal, expand, and regenerate your sense of wellbeing.
Tantric Manifestation
Self-pleasure will build the bridge between yourself and your body, connecting to your physical being will help you to understand what turns you on and increase sensitivity. Masturbation is not a dirty word, nor is it an activity that is solely reserved for men. It is a spiritual act that our ancestors celebrated and deemed as sacred. According to ancient Egyptian mythology the deity Atum, the God of creation, formed the Universe through masturbation.
You were made by divine energy that is ultimately perfect and self-pleasure is a celebration of all that you are. Discovering ways in which we can please ourselves only deepens the connection that we have with our bodies and manifests not only more self-love but it can improve your sex life as you increase your sexual vibration. By doing such, you will place yourself in the alignment of what you want and you will achieve stronger orgasms, attract better suited sexual partners, and greater levels of confidence.
The ultimate self-pleasure session will leave you feeling nourished, loved, and energetic. Tantric masturbation involves mindful, solo lovemaking that helps to achieve enlightenment instead of the instant gratification that we normally tend to experience with standard masturbation. The erotic process will help you to embody your sexual excitement and connect to your sexuality.
First, remove the end goal of orgasm. This is a journey of self-discovery where you will seek to find your sexual power and boost its vibration. In a private and quiet setting slowly explore your body, moving from one area to the next, notice the various textures, the heat of your fingers against your skin, and zone in on the sensations that you feel. Practice deep breathing while focusing on your genitalia to intensify your sensations.
Imagine what great sex feels like and visualize yourself experiencing those feelings. If you reach climax (remember that it is not the end goal) express gratitude to your body and feel joy knowing that you are a sexy, vibrant being. You can have the sex life that you want and that power lies within you. Infusing the dance of seduction with masturbation will help you to manifest the sex life of your dreams.
Explore your gift
You can unlock the magnetic and raw sexual magic that you naturally possess. You are an infinite being that is full of love but you need to believe that you are capable of reaching heights during sex that you’ve never experienced before. Attracting more pleasure and deeper connections through sex stem from believing that you deserve to experience the ecstasy and pleasure that sex has to offer. If like attracts like you need to awaken the radiant, powerful goddess from within, reclaim your power and embrace intimacy.
The transformative and sometimes lucid experience of sex can be yours once you master your flow of divine feminine energy and take control of the complex emotions that arise from past experiences that may have dampened your view of sex. Empower yourself and sizzle between the sheets, open your aura, and fill it with light as you visualize yourself as the woman that you used to envy. Enjoy the earth-shattering, knee-knocking orgasms, and as for the endless sexual confidence? The intimate relationship that you have with yourself will be unrecognizable and the sexual adventures that you embark upon in the bedroom will be a manifestation of your deepest desires.